This is not Trump’s day
On this seemingly surreal but also real day when Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States, it is not more commentary or assessment, however well written, I need. Because how many words have we read, and listened to, and shared, that told us what many of us knew so early…
Read MoreBe Still as a Small, Warm Stone
Two days ago a woven box appeared on my table. It was a mystery, delivered by someone unknown. From it this small, round stone appeared. The stone came wrapped in red, for Christmas, and also for warmth; a small, warm stone. All through Advent I have come to prayer disposing myself to be still as…
Read MoreLongest Night ~ Tears and Blessing
Sometimes we are gathering words for a worship we will lead; sometimes we need words that are just for us. I offer these hoping that there may be a quiet word somewhere in their midst that is just for you. Call to Worship Come ~ to the One who…
Read MoreA Thousand Hosts
Today steadfastly we tie bright ribbons to our hearts so hope can find a way. We scatter folded cranes of peace each crease hard won. We are not heedless of the tremors of the world, not unafraid. not free of anger But we are a thousand, thousand hosts; compassion on the lintel The neighbour may…
Read MoreSeeing Saints
Luke 19:1-10 This day near the threshold of All Saints, I invite you into this morning’s story looking for saints. I invite you to enter holding in mind the Godly Play question: “I wonder what part of the story is about you?” I invite you to “immerse yourself in the story and identify with…
Read MoreYou Tend Our Greening Dreams
You Tend our Greening Dreams: Narrative Lectionary for September 25th All through the text for this Sunday there are dreams: dreamed and interpreted, furtive and full. There is the hate-provoking dream of the young, insufferable Joseph. There he rises, like a straight, sovereign sheaf of wheat and around him the brothers nod and bow. This…
Read MoreRising
Today doesn’t look like this for me. There is no great glory caught between the cupped hands of cloud and mountain. Still, even resistant, this body recognizes those wisps rising from something hidden; those breaths warmly exhaled in this day’s blue moment, sighing a soft, unavoidable grace in the sky of my heart. Image: Grand…
Read MoreReturning: A Kind of Blessing
See,just here –droplets of the momentswhen your heart took onthe rhythm of the tidesor trailed through long, hot grasseswith cicadas’ soundsor felt the city sun,or sand For youwhose eyes were pricked with gratitudewhen touseled children slept, close at hand,and evening cooledand you went lightly. For you who are returningsee,just here,the droplets of those momentssoft and strong…
Read MoreBeginning
Not long ago I shared with a gathering of others a way of governance birthed out of a commitment to vulnerable practice. I have been consciously immersed in the research of that practice for some time as I prepare to write my dissertation on its theological roots, its practices and the fullness of life it…
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