Christmas at Home
I’ll wrap him, warm with love,well as I’m able,In my heart stable. Luci Shaw Pause before all that may wait for you today, whether a massive amount of cooking or a solitary meal, a journey, or settling in with a good book or a favourite show. Now, is the moment just after. All during Advent…
Read MorePocket Pauses for the 12 Days of Christmas
1~Silent night, Holy Light, In the dark came delight. Morning soft with the breath of a child, Fills our hearts with the wonder and wild Shape a cradle of me Shape a cradle of me. (CES) (to the tune of Silent Night) 2~ “Older than eternity, now he is new.” (Luci Shaw) 3~ Two days…
Read MoreAn Advent Pause for Joy
I’ve been thinking again about the complexity of joy. In the very last line of a reading from the book of Ezra, the historian writes “the people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shout from the sound of the people’s weeping. And there, I think, we have it, the doorway to joy, the reality…
Read MoreThe Candle of Peace
There’s been talk here and there this past week of leaving the Advent candle for peace unlit. There is a desire to do something extraordinary in the face of the horrifying violence being visited on the people of Gaza. But for me, leaving the wick of peace unlit seems an act of despair, a signal that we have…
Read MoreAdvent Pause: Hope
It’s Advent and perhaps you are not even ready to get ready for the mystery of Christmas. But perhaps you are longing. Perhaps you can find a candle or two to help you. Really, you are all that is necessary. You and your intention to pause, to be present, with intention, for Love. So wherever…
Read MoreA Day Away: Rural Routes Through The Holy
November 18, 2023 10:00 – 3:00St. Ann’s Anglican ChurchWestcock NB (near Sackville) 9:30 – 10:00 Arrival, Coffee/Tea/Muffins 10:00 Welcome and Opening Worship 10:30 Taster: Moving Forward Coop, Dorchester NB 11:00 What might we do together? Presentation followed by Rural Café Conversations on the Possibilities of Cooperative/Collaborative Ministries 12:15 Lunch 1:00 Taster TBA 1:30…
Read MoreA Christmas Tree Hymn
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas TreeYour leaves are so unchangingO Christmas Tree, O Christmas TreeYour leaves are so unchangingNot only green when summer’s hereBut also when it’s cold and drearO Christmas Tree, O Christmas TreeYour leaves are so unchanging O Christmas Tree, O Christmas TreeYour lights they shine so brightlyO Christmas Tree, O Christmas TreeYour…
Read MoreA Blessing for Christmas Ornaments
Holy OneOver these ornaments we invoke blessing The blessing of love and of memoryOf laughter and of lonelinessThe blessing of joyThe blessing of small hands with eager fingersWho crafted paper wondersand of skilled handsthat stitched and shaped reminders of their care. We invoke blessing,through these fragile, lovely thingsreminders of our fragile, lovely livesand of You…
Read MoreThis too is a mystery: a creation prayer
In this prayer, if it is used in a group, children and or adults use shakers* as a response each time we say this is a mystery, shaking them in a mysterious way, (hopefully). You can ask someone beforehand to lead the way in the shaking. Perhaps it will be a loud and vigorous mystery. Holy…
Read MoreA Child Can Lead Us
Over and over this summer I’ve experienced the ways children bring us into an awareness of the presence of what is holy. Whether you spell Spirit with an ‘S’ capital or lowercase, children slip into ours hands small and treasured and take us wading. They splash us with the serious and the surprising. With their imagination, their wonder,…
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