A Prayer for Our Return to School
Holy One, May our school year begin with compassion for where we are,uncertain,tired,and glad to see one another. May we begin with a thirstto learn ——students from teachersand teachers from students.
Read MoreWhile it is still dark
Notice that resurrection happens while it is still dark, Though at first no one sees iteven now in the dark corners of war and denial and despairthere are soft risen footfalls outside the places where death has been laid,
Read MoreHoly Week Inhabiting
We are touched by the same oil Inhale the same fragrance. Your life, my life, Your death, my death.
Read MoreWas there birdsong?
Was it a morning like this one, when birdsong was as sweet as can be after days spent longing for light? Was it a morning when everything seemed new and the disciples, rousing themselves, stretched their arms wide and welcomed it? Was it a morning like this one when Jesus looked down from the Mount…
Read MorePalm Sunday: a Prayer, A Poem, A Practice
A Palm Sunday Prayer Holy OneYou ride through this lifeon the bony back of our stories,on the spread of our hopes You do not shun the confusion of our longingsor the brevity of our commitments.You meet us in the midst of themand by your Presence gather us closeand make us the more that we are.…
Read MoreSimeon and Anna: Life-Rubbed Glory
It’s evening as I write. All day I’ve been accompanied by two evening figures. They shine these two, not with the untried brightness of the morning, but with the heart-breaking beauty of late day light.
Read MoreRest Beloved
Let the darkness heal and tend you ~ There is so much weariness in these days when Covid fills the air and the hospitals. Perhaps you are exhausted. Perhaps you laugh with a sharp edge, or sigh at the thought of rest. Perhaps it makes you angry that rest could even be suggested when…
Read MoreReceiving the blue
This first morning of Advent I am filled with the sense of colour that is more than colour. It’s longing already tinged with fulfillment. I am infused with, wrapped in, the weightless, substance of blue. I am hushed and humbled and reverently haunted. I am a pool both fluid and still.
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