In Epiphany pink is falling from the sky
This morning when I woke up I wanted to write about Epiphany, the season, rather than the day. I was reflecting on how fast we can feel our days move, how subtly, before we know it, the consumer and consuming pulse affects our rhythm. Our pace quickens. The seasons of the church year can become a way…
Read MoreI Will Cause You to Become
From the moment of his declaration that this is “the beginning of the good news”,Mark is off like a jack rabbit,like pressurized water suddenly set free,like a person running late in the winter,grabbing, on the way out the door,a bagel a scarf and a briefcase,sliding along the sidewalk, coat flapping, to the bus. Like a…
Read MoreEpiphany and Lent speak to one another
Tomorrow is the last day of the Epiphany season; those days of wild stars and journey, of new sight, sometimes beautiful, sometimes painful, sometimes a poignant mingling of the two. If you’ve read my two earlier posts, Bending Into Advent and Portals to Joy, you’ll know that sight has been much on my mind during…
Read MoreEpiphany Invocation
Still savouring the season of Epiphany, and feeling the cold, I’ve revisited an earlier post.
Read MoreEpiphany Prayers: Cups To Catch the Stars
Arise, lift up your hearts and shine, For God’s brightness is covering us. God, holding out to us gifts, Gifts of the Star-child:
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