Leaders of Faith Community
Epiphany Prayers: Cups To Catch the Stars
Arise, lift up your hearts and shine, For God’s brightness is covering us. God, holding out to us gifts, Gifts of the Star-child:
Read MoreBenediction on Christmas Eve
May the wonder of this night hold a space in you each night and every day may you know your body blessed by the birth of God within it. May this wonder and this blessing rest in you so that you may be for others, blessing. May you know the love of God, who comes…
Read MoreAn Advent Hymn: new words for a familiar tune
Advent words for Hark the Herald Angels Sing Listen to the angels sing News of coming joy they bring Hopes abandoned are restored In the ever-birthing Word
Read MoreDrawn through the Prophet’s Heart: An Advent Sermon
The journey to God, Sufi Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee says, begins with “the homesickness of the heart, (you can find Vaughn-Lee speaking of Sufisim here https://goldensufi.org/a_interview_st.html Perhaps it begins like this pain in Isaiah’s heart,the pain that was in the heart of his people,He knew the people’s longing,their loneliness,the tiny piercing dart of emptiness,the pinpoint of absence…
Read MoreResurrection Riff
Resurrection – say it softly, as one must after the softening notes go wherever notes go when they no longer sound. The day has gone by for me carrying the Word and the cello’s intensity Resurrection It doesn’t come from nothing It has a past.
Read MoreHoly Wednesday
Wednesday of Holy Week seems one of the days orphaned from its ritual parents. Swung soundlessly between the arms of Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday it feels unmarked in my community. I understand the text of Jesus’ anointing with spikenard is often associated with this day in the liturgy and the negotiations of Judas Iscariot with…
Read MoreAsh Wednesday Worship
Ash Wednesday [This is a quiet, spare worship. For those who are moving from a Mardi Gras gathering into the quiet of this worship I would suggest that any carnival music used be gradually silenced or that one by one each instrument fade away til only one is left playing. A preamble…
Read MoreBe Still as a Small, Warm Stone
Two days ago a woven box appeared on my table. It was a mystery, delivered by someone unknown. From it this small, round stone appeared. The stone came wrapped in red, for Christmas, and also for warmth; a small, warm stone. All through Advent I have come to prayer disposing myself to be still as…
Read MoreLongest Night ~ Tears and Blessing
Sometimes we are gathering words for a worship we will lead; sometimes we need words that are just for us. I offer these hoping that there may be a quiet word somewhere in their midst that is just for you. Call to Worship Come ~ to the One who…
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