A Candlemas Prayer and Reflection
February 2nd is a day of many names, Candlemas, the Feast of the Presentation and a new one to me this year; the feast of Holy Encounter. I like that. It’s also World Wetlands Day and of course Groundhog Day. It’s the first two in the list I want to linger with here. A candle lit…
Read MoreGuided Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina, Divine or Sacred Reading is a way of prayer that uses a text as a portal to receptive stillness. Scripture, poetry, a paragraph of writing, even your life can be a text. When you’ve chosen a text you can listen below to be guided through the movements. Lectio Divina Divine Reading Whatever the…
Read MoreThis too is a mystery: a creation prayer
In this prayer, if it is used in a group, children and or adults use shakers* as a response each time we say this is a mystery, shaking them in a mysterious way, (hopefully). You can ask someone beforehand to lead the way in the shaking. Perhaps it will be a loud and vigorous mystery. Holy…
Read MoreBlessing the Backpacks (with bubbles)
(The worship leader could say the words of the following prayer alone or it could become an echo prayer with the children and any who bring backpacks repeating the line after the leader.) Loving God,You are with us in every placeAt homeAt schoolOn vacationIn places that feel wonderful and places that feel scaryYou are…
Read MorePeace Holds Us
Holy One, yesterday in the woods, the late afternoon light was so tender and strong, the shadows made art on the snow and the sky prepared to relax into the night.
Read MoreBending into Advent
I entered Advent as a bent woman. I could not raise my head to see the blue stem of the candle and its blossom of light. I was a woman bowed for a week and today I am straightened, unfurled.
Read MoreA Prayer for Our Return to School
Holy One, May our school year begin with compassion for where we are,uncertain,tired,and glad to see one another. May we begin with a thirstto learn ——students from teachersand teachers from students.
Read MoreOn the Edge of Thanksgiving
As this day closes may you go gently quiet prayers in your pockets, perhaps overflowing. Small blessings, a touch, a voice a memory, beauty, scattered on the border of daylight and darkness. May they unfold in dreams fertile with Grace. And if despair has been caught in the creases of this day may it be honoured,…
Read MoreFor those who fish ~ blessing, song, and ritual
Blessings for those who fish at the opening of the season.
Read MoreA Touching Place
On this nightwe know you as loving hostand beloved guest.On this night we follow you to the edge of your sorrow,a sorrow that holds all our own.On this night, O Christ of table and touch,Our longings mingle.
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