Rural Routes Through the Holy Schedule – 2024
Beautiful to Behold: Broken Open Church Thursday, June 13th9:30 Muffins, Coffee, Tea10:00 Welcome, Orientation to our time and place, check in and Worship11:15 – 12:15 Taster(s) 12:30 – 1:15 Lunch 1:15 -2: 45 Theme Presentation One and Rural Café2:45- – 3:15 Free time to walk the labyrinth, explore the prayer practices or book/resource/ market table)3:15 …
Read MoreI Will Cause You to Become
From the moment of his declaration that this is “the beginning of the good news”,Mark is off like a jack rabbit,like pressurized water suddenly set free,like a person running late in the winter,grabbing, on the way out the door,a bagel a scarf and a briefcase,sliding along the sidewalk, coat flapping, to the bus. Like a…
Read MorePocket Pauses for the 12 Days of Christmas
1~Silent night, Holy Light, In the dark came delight. Morning soft with the breath of a child, Fills our hearts with the wonder and wild Shape a cradle of me Shape a cradle of me. (CES) (to the tune of Silent Night) 2~ “Older than eternity, now he is new.” (Luci Shaw) 3~ Two days…
Read MoreAdvent Pause: Hope
It’s Advent and perhaps you are not even ready to get ready for the mystery of Christmas. But perhaps you are longing. Perhaps you can find a candle or two to help you. Really, you are all that is necessary. You and your intention to pause, to be present, with intention, for Love. So wherever…
Read MoreA Child Can Lead Us
Over and over this summer I’ve experienced the ways children bring us into an awareness of the presence of what is holy. Whether you spell Spirit with an ‘S’ capital or lowercase, children slip into ours hands small and treasured and take us wading. They splash us with the serious and the surprising. With their imagination, their wonder,…
Read MoreWildfire Rain
Rain is falling,thrumming, steady on the deck boards as I wake in the dark. Rain has arrived, like a nurse,in rooms of exhaustionplumping up the hard pillows of dry earth,tenderly touching the burnt boards of dreamsAnointing their fallen doorwaysreleasing the love they surrounded,to soakdeeplyinto the aching hearts of those who are bereft. It is like…
Read MoreBending into Advent
I entered Advent as a bent woman. I could not raise my head to see the blue stem of the candle and its blossom of light. I was a woman bowed for a week and today I am straightened, unfurled.
Read MoreHallows
We are put in perspective by the great crowd of witnesses that assemble. Coming to this All Hallows evening we hear the call to pay attention to the permeable fabric of time. It is a potent time in which those others who have lived before, and will live after, crowd with us ontothe stage of…
Read MoreA Tender New Year
As we pass over the threshold between yearsI hope for you, tenderness;that you become tenderness. Tender with your longings,tender with the things that are still impossible.Tender. May you hold grief in your hand like a tender shoot.May impatience break apart into rich soil.May you honour and be touched by the earth.
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