Under it All: Conversations on Lament, Hope, Fear, Neighbours, Stories & Joy


is a six-part, downloadable discussion series developed from The Postcard Project.  A leader’s guide and take-home pages containing reflection, stories, scripture, practices, and questions, to support your group’s conversations on the themes above, particularly, but not exclusively, as they relate to rural contexts.

Gather a group and deepen your sense of connection as you read and wonder and share.  What might it mean for our faith communities to look at our selves through these lenses?  What might it mean for us?



These Under it All conversations will support you in the vital work of going deeper together, disposing yourself to gain “a heart of wisdom”. Ours is a world in a hurry and we are conditioned to want quick solutions and easy certainty.  Deep change, transformation is the slow, holy work of our lives with God and with others. We need to take time to consider what is under it all, under the hurry and the models of success under the long and beautiful work of dying with grace (this isn’t measured by the actual last days and moments but by the way we turn our face toward it) so that life may come.