Here I hope you'll find something that is just for you and the community of faith in which you nurture and are nurtured in faith.  The resources are for sharing, with attribution.  The Table Church Gatherings for September, October, November are posted.  Other months are available by e-mailing

Please leave your e-mail if you'd like to be notified when new resources appear.  And let me know, how you're using them; I love to hear.

Blessings, as we go deeper into the Mystery, together.

Resources for Our Gathered Life - Posts

Ember Days and the Time of Creation

By Catherine Smith | September 13, 2024

I am so grateful that the denomination of which I am a part has over the years come to honour the liturgical seasons of the church year.  It seems to me that each has something to offer and to elicit in the circling movement of my life with the Holy One.  I love being part…

A Blessing for Christmas Ornaments

By Catherine Smith | September 7, 2023

Holy OneOver these ornaments we invoke blessing The blessing of love and of memoryOf laughter and of lonelinessThe blessing of joyThe blessing of small hands with eager fingersWho crafted paper wondersand of skilled handsthat stitched and shaped reminders of their care. We invoke blessing,through these fragile, lovely thingsreminders of our fragile, lovely livesand of You…

This too is a mystery: a creation prayer

By Catherine Smith | September 2, 2023

In this prayer, if it is used in a group, children and or adults use shakers* as a response each time we say this is a mystery, shaking them in a mysterious way, (hopefully). You can ask someone beforehand to lead the way in the shaking.  Perhaps it will be a loud and vigorous mystery. Holy…

Protected: Playing in Creation

By Catherine Smith | September 2, 2023

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Blessing the Backpacks (with bubbles)

By Catherine Smith | July 31, 2023

(The worship leader could say the words of the following prayer alone or it could become an echo prayer with the children and any who bring backpacks repeating the line after the leader.)   Loving God,You are with us in every placeAt homeAt schoolOn vacationIn places that feel wonderful and places that feel scaryYou are…

A Prayer for Our Return to School

By Catherine Smith | August 31, 2022

Holy One, May our school year begin with compassion for where we are,uncertain,tired,and glad to see one another. May we begin with a thirstto learn ——students from teachersand teachers from students.

November Table Church -Thresholds & Thin Places

By Catherine Smith | November 13, 2020

Sometimes something shivers us — a sunset, a single wildflower, a child playing in the park or in the street, a thousand scenes, a thousand times. That shiver is awe, wonder, a primal feeling, a sense of overwhelming meaning and mystery at the same time.    Ted Loder in Loaves, Fishes and Leftovers   All through…

October Table Church

By Catherine Smith | October 2, 2020

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ― Meister Eckhart For this first series of Table Church gatherings we’re focusing on the ‘flavour’ of each month.  In September it was “beginning”, in October “thanksgiving”.  Don’t worry, I know that many of us might feel thanksgiving is too much to ask right…

Table Church ~ Beginning

By Catherine Smith | September 30, 2020

Always, we begin again. Benedict When I was imagining how the frame of these gatherings might be built, I thought of the flavour I taste in each month.  In September, even though I’ve been out of school for a while, I still taste beginnings.  The fall crisp gives me an energy boost and I am…

For those who fish ~ blessing, song, and ritual

By Catherine Smith | August 7, 2020

Blessings for those who fish at the opening of the season.