Palm Sunday
Was there birdsong?
Was it a morning like this one, when birdsong was as sweet as can be after days spent longing for light? Was it a morning when everything seemed new and the disciples, rousing themselves, stretched their arms wide and welcomed it? Was it a morning like this one when Jesus looked down from the Mount…
Read MorePalm Sunday: a Prayer, A Poem, A Practice
A Palm Sunday Prayer Holy OneYou ride through this lifeon the bony back of our stories,on the spread of our hopes You do not shun the confusion of our longingsor the brevity of our commitments.You meet us in the midst of themand by your Presence gather us closeand make us the more that we are.…
Read MoreThe Hollow in our Hearts
Here we are on the edge of Holy Week. The parade is over; spent petals and tattered banners still blow down the empty streets. Some have stuck their palm fronds in the planters round the lamp posts. Some have forgotten their coats and there is a tiny sneaker on the curb. The air has caught…
Read MoreIn the Crowd
I have to say Palm Sunday sometimes makes me angry. Even though, or perhaps because, I am in that crowd, cheering with the rest of them for the safest bet, the quickest fix, the most obvious answer. In my heart I know with certainty that life requires of me a deeper attention.
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