We’d like to invite you to a space of nurture for those in rural congregations and for the communities in which they live. Rural Routes is a gathering with time for both structured and informal conversations, worship, education, play, prayer, and table fellowship. We’d like to share our stories and to hear yours; what is working well and what you lament or long for, what brings you joy and who is your neighbour. We’d like to imagine together ways in which members of small, rural congregations might remain grounded in and able to share the Gospel despite sometimes challenging circumstances. These resources may also help
When: Thursday, June 13th at 10:00 to Saturday, June 15th at 2:00
Where: Orchard Valley United Church, New Minas, NS
Theme: Beautiful to Behold: Broken Open Church
Theme Presenter: Rev. Dr. Catherine Smith
Tasters: Thirty-minute presentations given by a variety of people on a variety of things so good we may want to go home and cook them up in our own communities. Spirit Circle, Table Church, Community Garden Partnering, and Meet Your Feet are just a few of the offerings, each given by someone who loves them well.
WorkshopsThis year we're adding a few workshops: Collaborative Ministry (David Hewitt, Spiritual Memoir (Janice MacLean) and two on Attention to the Acadian Experience (Marvin Lee Anderson, Karen Archibald-Waugh and others).
Prayer Stations A labyrinth and a variety of prayer stations will be set up in quiet corners for moments of individual pause and reflection. Gratitude or lament, intercession, or deep stillness, here you’ll find ways of being prayer.
Maker's Market This year there will be space set up to offer your creations for sale. Books, biscuits, carving, weaving, jewellry and jam. You name it. We get to know one another through the things we make and share. The market will be open between 9:30 and 10:00 am and during mealtimes. There'll be someone there to take care of the market whenever it's open.
Registration Fee: $50 You can register here.
Accommodation: Attendees are responsible for making their own accommodation arrangements. This year we've reserved a block of rooms at the Acadian University Residence which you can. If you'd like to reserve one of these you can email karen at karen_archibaldwaugh@outlook.com There are other accommodation options which you can discover through the area's tourist information.
All meals except breakfast are provided as part of the gathering. Coffee, tea, and muffins are available at 9:30 am at the gathering each morning.
We have been able to keep registration costs low through the support received from grants and generous donors.
We're also glad that RRTH will again form part of an independent summer study with AST taught by Dr. Marvin Lee Anderson, one of the RRTH team.