This too is a mystery: a creation prayer
In this prayer, if it is used in a group, children and or adults use shakers* as a response each time we say this is a mystery, shaking them in a mysterious way, (hopefully). You can ask someone beforehand to lead the way in the shaking. Perhaps it will be a loud and vigorous mystery.
Holy One,
In this moment we pay attention.
We see that each morning the sun grows like a seed blossoming into light.
And this is a mystery.
We remember that in each of us a life nests,
watered by You, tended by us, it comes to itself;
by turns resting or rapid in growth,
our life unfolds itself.
And this is a mystery.
We reaffirm that in all of us,
your cosmic community there is meant to be a web of hands through which seed passes,
generously shared, planted in the good earth,
in every place abundance.
And this is a mystery.
In this moment we pay attention
We see that each morning the sun grows like a seed blossoming into light;
we know your love, large beyond measure, seeded in the smallest of places.
This too is a mystery.
And we give thanks.
* You can make shakers in many ways. Here’s one. You might get them ready with children the week before or, if you decide to do this at nearly the last minute (as I sometimes do) you can ask a friend or whomever you share life with to help you out.