Epiphany Invocation
Epiphany Invocation O shimmering O dayspring O light on the snow O sweep of stars O brightness of tears O word of fire O shining hope O gentle comfort O radiance of the ordinary moment O God O sun on the field of my heart Draw near
Read MoreHearts Like Cups
Arise, lift up your hearts and shine, For God’s brightness is covering us. God, holding out to us gifts, gifts of the star-child: courage for love and for wonder hope in those places we cannot see, the Holy Presence in suffering and joy. God’s brightness is covering us. We hold out our hearts like cups…
Read MoreStarlight and Slippers
Matthew 2:1-12 There was an Epiphany that found me travelling home from a small town the other side of Toronto. I carried, along with all my bags and books, the story of the magi that we heard today. Drawn by the motion of travel into an interior world, in my imagination the magi journeyed again; their…
Read MoreThe Moment Just Before
This is the time of the liturgical colour blue, the colour of the night sky.. But it is almost the colour of pure celebration. You can see it, white and gold, approaching through the spare and longing branches.All during the last four Advent weeks, those who approach Christmas as a holy opening…
Read MoreA Patch of Sun
All week I’ve been writing, trying to capture the integration of my thoughts and my practice of the intersection of vulnerability and leadership. And now I want only to stand in that gently shining place we see among the trees. The place that seems as though it might be the milieu of wholeness; surely if…
Read MoreHallows Eve
Coming to this all hallows evening we hear the call to pay attention to the permeable fabric of time. It is a potent time in which those others who have lived before and will live after crowd with us onto the stage of our life. It is good to pay attention. We are put in…
Read MoreThe Gift of a Question
A wise woman gave me a question. “What would it look like in this moment to take one small step in the direction of Love?” It wasn’t an asked question. It was truly given. I carry it with me in the place that is the last to close up in fear or anger, in fatigue…
Read MoreFor Beginning
Holy One, may we come to this hour as though we lay on our backs with the night sky above us with the orange moon tying us to the originating moment and all who are between. may we come to this hour as though astonished by the delight of the morning sun when we thought…
Read MoreThe Eyes Have It: John 3:1-15
In the desert,long before John’s gospel was written,there was the story of a people always walking backwards,their eyes turned toward what had been,people always ready to be distracted from life’s unfolding,by the sightless golden calves. These people, so the story goes,were bitten by snakes.Strangely it was the first time in all those years in the…
Read MoreDon’t Be Afraid
I didn’t intend to post today. But I sat down to work with gathering up the worship for Sunday and began to recall conversations I’ve had over the last week about people and congregations that have become numb. It’s an important word and the state it describes spreads insidiously. A shot of numbness, when life…
Read MoreBlessings in the world
Always in life we are relinquishing something or someone, gracefully or with great struggle. We relinquish childhood for adolescence, adolescence for adulthood and its various stages one for another. We relinquish one state of health for another, one beloved home for the smaller one that meets our needs. To be able to live well in…
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